Miraculous Thunder
7:05 PM
Today Wonderman and I went to see the doctor. It was just a regular visit, making sure I'm still alive and well. I am. And then she brought out this tiny little wand that she pushed into my gut. I knew it was time to hear Baby Bean's heartbeat and I anxiously waited. And waited. My paranoia kicked in as she looked for it all over my little belly area. I was terrified that she wouldn't find it. But find it she did. Phew. It was the sweetest sound in the world, that gorgeous thudding at 150 thuds a minute (Is that fast enough for you to tell me it must be a girl, because apparently they have faster heartbeats? That is still up for debate. 150 is right in the middle of normal, "they" say). I looked over at Wonderman and smiled. He kind of nodded and smiled a little bit back with a look on his face that said, "Right. Of course. You're pregnant. What did you expect?" I almost felt like I was being overly gooshy. I wasn't, right? I guess he meant it when he said he probably wouldn't get too emotionally involved until the kid was out. Sigh. Still, I was both relieved and thrilled. Apparently there really is a baby in there. Sweet.