Monday, October 26, 2009

Oi! Ze monies! So queeckly zey go.

11:23 AM

Wonderman and I are trying to learn about budgeting. Some days are better than others. I think our next family meeting may go something like this (I will play Rat in this scenario):

Conclusion: Teamwork is definitely required for budgeting.


Andrea, the little collector said...

Yes. Laughed Out Loud! Maybe we don't need a pool table either! For all my talk about "how great a budget" this and "look how to budget" that, I spent much of tonight bemoaning how I still don't know how to live within our budget. Now I know I need to look at robbing a bank or explore our pool table expenditures.

Thanks for the wise help.

Katrina said...

Um...I have had this conversation with John. Substitute Motorcycle for pool table and Diet Coke for Beer.